Monday, September 22, 2014

Well hello everyone!
It has been almost a year since my last post, and it has been quite a year. So I decided to share some of our favorite things and good times that we've been up to.
One thing we enjoy is the Zoo. Seriously...who doesn't love the Zoo? And since ours is 150 miles away, it makes for a great weekend trip.

Speaking of animals, for the past 3 years we have had turkey vultures in our pine trees. What makes this so weird is that we live right in town, and there are a bunch of them! We've counted up to 50 at times! People are always stopping to watch them and take pictures, it's crazy! This is not the best photo, but it shows a few of them. Not sure why our trees...but what you gonna do, besides I think they are growing on me. :)
One day this little guy showed up on our door step, I think he's a baby pigeon.
 Silly girls :)
These photos are in our yard. I just love flowers!

And this is my happy place :)
My mom is 71 years old and still tills her own garden, hope I can too when I get older. Her yard is absolutely gorgeous with flowers!
  Brittiny made these adorable cupcakes.
  Travis and I went on an awesome trip to Boston.
 (Sharing photos in next post)
In July we took the kids to Lagoon for two days, an amusement park which again is 150 miles away. They had a great time! We hadn't been for a few years so they were due for some fun :)
Had this pic taken in Pioneer village at Lagoon.
  We also got to see a Bees game that weekend.
So it is finally August and it is Brittiny's birthday. We spent the day bowling in the disco lights, playing games, and kicking butt at air hockey! LOL :)
 Looking back, I would say it's been a great summer!

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