Hi everyone, I am so excited!
First of all - a great big Thank You to my dear friend Andrea Slee for giving me the Liebster Blog Award! I am so honored, Andrea is a wonderful lady and an amazing scrapbooker!
Click here to check out her blog: www.dreasscrapsofinspiration.blogspot.com
"Liebster" is German for "Dearest". The award is a "Share the love arrangement", given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers.
Here is the to do list for any of the "Liebster" blog award recipients.
1. Thank your Liebster Blog award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you the award.
3.Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.
I am happy to now honor some fairly new bloggers with this award...
awwwww your sooo sweet!! ((hugs)) thank you so much. I just got a blog lol its pretty additing and fun.. Thanks again so much!
Woohoo girl WTG and thank you
That is so nice of you Cindy! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much Cindy! I have a BIG smile on my face! Truly appreciated!
I dont know why it says Im 'anonymous' but its 'flutterbyes (kelly) and Im here to thank you so very much for the liebster award!
Thanks for the award Cindy!
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